Do you have relatives or friends that are hard to buy gifts for? I love getting scrapping goodies for Christmas, but it is very hard for my family to know what I need or want. My husband asks me for a wish list every year so he won't have to worry about buying something for me that I already own.
In the past I would visit my favorite online stores and create a wish list on each and every site, then I would print them all out and give them to my husband. A very time consuming process, as you can imagine.

Today I found a website called
wishlistr where you can create a master wish list and add items from all over the internet. How great is that?
There are 3 fields to fill out for each item you add to your wish list.... Title, link, and additional info. The additional info field is a great place to add the price, item #, color, size, etc... If the item you want cannot be purchased online, you can also let them know where it can be located in this field.
As you know, Stampin' Up products are now available for purchase through
my website. Currently, there is no wish list option in our online ordering system, so this would be a simple way for you to include those "must have" Stampin' Up! items to your wish list. Just add the name of the stamp set in the title field, my website address in the link field, and the item number and price in the additional info field.
I also have a favor to ask of my readers. My friend, Monika, is participating in the 2008 Alzheimers Association Memory Walk® in memory of her grandmother who passed away after suffering a long battle with this illness on August 28, 2008.
To make a donation and sponsor her in her walk, please follow
this link. Any amount you can give, large or small, will be appreciated.
Thank you!